News30 October 2015In Panama Countries Conclude Second Round of Negotiations for Agreement on Rights of Access in Environmental Matters The third meeting of the negotiating committee on the regional instrument will take place in April 2016 in Uruguay.
Press Release28 October 2015The Region Can Be a Global Example if it Achieves Agreement on Rights of Access in Environmental Matters The second meeting to negotiate a regional instrument on access to information, public participation and justice in environmental matters began on Tuesday in Panama.
News22 October 2015UN experts urge Latin America and the Caribbean to adopt trend-setting agreement on environmental democracy Press release of the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Announcement22 October 2015Latin American and Caribbean Countries Will Meet in Panama to Negotiate Agreement on Rights of Access in Environmental Matters The second meeting of the negotiating committee on the regional agreement will be held October 27-29.
News5 May 2015Países avanzan hacia futuro acuerdo regional en asuntos ambientales Comenzó en la sede de la CEPAL reunión del comité de negociación sobre derechos de acceso a la información, participación y justicia ambientales.
Press Release7 May 2015First Round of Negotiations Concludes for Regional Agreement on Rights of Access in Environmental Matters With the incorporation of Antigua and Barbuda, 20 countries agreed the organization and working plan for the second round of negotiations.
News25 August 2015Caribbean Countries Identify Challenges and Opportunities for Making Progress on Access Rights in Environmental Matters In Saint Lucia, delegates will also learn about the negotiation process for forging a regional agreement on Principle 10.
María Amparo Lasso Jefa Unidad de Información Pública de la CEPAL Email: Telephone: (56 2) 2210 2040 (56 9) 79678306
Analizan acceso a la información y justicia en temas ambientales Wed, 28/10/2015TVN Noticias - Panamá